
Tangent is a design engineering studio founded in 2015 in London.
By interweaving technology with design at the most sophisticated level, we create unique work that moves people.
A tangent line touches a curve at one given point. Respecting such gentleness and subtleness, as well as the power of the point of contact, we carefully and delicately tell a narrative which talks to people’s hearts.
We create a dialogue that bridges the gap between fantasy and reality with our work, which we believe enriches the modern society and culture.
Yoshimoto earned an MS degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the University of Tokyo in 2010 and concluded his doctoral studies in Design Engineering at the Royal College of Art in 2016, concurrently founding the acclaimed design studio Tangent in London. In 2020, he co-founded the Advanced Art Design Lab at RCAST, the University of Tokyo, thereby amplifying his presence across both London and Tokyo. Yoshimoto specializes in the harmonious integration of design and engineering, crafting an array of innovative designs and concepts for globally renowned luxury brands. His expertise spans a diverse spectrum, from technology-driven business ventures to urban development projects.
In recent years, he established the international initiative Craft x Tech, bridging traditional Japanese craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology, and has actively pursued collaborations to contribute to the evolution and preservation of Japanese cultural heritage. Yoshimoto has received numerous awards in both the fields of design and engineering, including the JSAI (Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence) Annual Conference Award, Lexus Design Award, and the Red Dot Design Concept Best of the Best.

1985年和歌山県生まれ。2010年東京大学大学院航空宇宙工学専攻修士課程、2016年英ロイヤル・カレッジ・オブ・アートIDE専攻博士課程修了(デザイン工学博士)。2015年ロンドンにてデザインスタジオTangentを設立。2020年東京大学・先端科学技術研究センターにて先端アートデザイン分野を共同設立し、ロンドンと東京をベースにさらに活動の幅を広げる。デザインとエンジニアリングの発展的な融合を得意とし、世界的なラグジュアリーブランドに多くのデザインやコンセプトを提供するほか、テクノロジー起点の新規事業開発から、街づくりに関わるまで、幅広い領域において活躍する。近年では、日本の伝統工芸と先端技術を繋ぐ国際的なイニシアティブ「Craft x Tech」を創立し、また個人としても、伝統工芸とのコラボレーションによるアート作品を積極的に発表するなど、日本文化の進化・継承にも取り組んでいる。日本人工知能学会全国大会優秀賞、IPA未踏ソフトウェア事業スーパークリエーター認定、和歌山県文化奨励賞、Lexus Design Award、Reddot Design Concept Best of the Bestなど、デザインと工学の両分野での受賞多数。