
  • Client : Takasho Digitec Co., Ltd.
  • Art Direction / Design : Yuki Zetsu
  • Photographs : Katsuya Kitayama

"Yomosugara" is an outdoor lighting brand co-produced with Takasho Digitec Co., Ltd. Tangent was responsible for product design, visual identity design, and art direction.
In the lighting design, we focus on traditional Japanese landscapes and the Japanese perspective on nature, offering three series with a total of four products. The indirect lighting fixture "Shobu" is inspired by the elegant and dignified appearance of irises. "Suiren" expresses the serene, silent scene of water lilies floating on the surface of the water. "Kodama," named after the spirits residing in trees. These nature-inspired designs create a soft and tranquil Japanese atmosphere, offering calming light for the night.

照明デザインでは、日本の原風景や日本人の自然に対する考え方にフォーカスした、3シリーズ4製品を展開しています。端正な菖蒲の凛とした姿をモチーフにした間接光の灯具「Shobu」。水面に睡蓮の葉が浮かぶ しん とした静寂な風景を表現する「Suiren」。樹木に宿る精霊をその名に冠した「Kodama」。自然に寄り添ったデザインは心安らぐ夜の灯りとして、やわらかな和の空気を醸し出します。